Take This “Skinny Syrup” And
Burn Up To 42 Lbs. Of Fat Effortlessly

When the chair collapsed under my weight – I knew I’d RUINED my daughter’s graduation.
As a sea of people turned to look at me…
My heart began to beat out of my chest.
And as I laid there in a pile of broken chair legs…
With tears welling up in my eyes...
The college graduates a few rows in front of me erupted into laughter.

But the biggest humiliation was yet to come…
With everyone’s full attention still on me, I began to scramble to my feet…
To escape this living nightmare…
And hope everyone could just forget about me…
But as I tried to lift myself, I had a horrible realization…
I couldn’t.
I was just too heavy.
My heart raced harder and faster as more people turned their gaze my way.
From right there, on the floor, I turned to look towards my daughter…
Standing on stage…
Trying her best to hide behind her hands…
Humiliated at seeing her mom become the laughing stock of the day…
And knowing that it would become the one memory everyone would keep of graduation, forever.

For the first time in my post-pregnancy life, I was forced to face the truth…
I was 42 lbs. overweight…
And not only could everyone see it…
But my flabby arms… ballooning mass of flesh around my belly… and the “rubber ring” fat around my neck…
…was making my own daughter embarrassed to be seen with me!
When I thought about it…
My daughter no longer wanted to grab coffee or meet for lunch…
Sometimes it felt like she was avoiding me…
And we would only spend time together when it was out of public view…
It was horrible to think of – but soon it would change for the better…
A “Skinny Syrup”... A scientifically proven breakthrough that can be traced to right here in Sweden... Responsible for 38 Nobel Prize winners... That has helped me literally burn the fat off...
And – after a dramatic journey I’ll tell you about in a moment – rescue the relationship with my daughter.
So no – woman to woman…
This ISN’T like anything you’ve seen before.
I’m not a guy on the internet who doesn’t know what it’s like to deal with the post-pregnancy weight gain us girls have been through…
Or how hard it is to lose weight in your 30s, 40s, 50s and onwards with the hormones we’re… “lucky”… to have.
I’m a woman, just like you, who stumbled upon the incredible Swedish Skinny Syrup by accident.
Today I’m going to reveal exactly what this Swedish Skinny Syrup is…i

Open my heart with you about the worst day of my life…
And reveal exactly how you can start looking and feeling 10 years younger...
So every morning you wake up bursting with energy…
And a newfound sense of self-confidence and happiness you haven’t felt since your 20s.
Trust me, in a matter of weeks from now…
Your friends and family will be amazed by your transformation…
And coyly ask, “what’s your secret?”
Your secret is that you’ve addressed the true root cause of your unwanted weight gain…

(As discovered by the prestigious research institution I mentioned a moment ago.)
A root cause that goes all the way back to when you first got pregnant…
I’m talking about a “pregnancy hormone” that prepares you for the wonderful journey of motherhood…
Yet as the latest science has revealed, a hormone that goes “crazy”…
Impacting you months… years… even decades after you last gave birth...
Forcing your body to pile on fat virtually uncontrollably…
No matter what you eat or how hard you run on the treadmill.
And no… this “pregnancy hormone” isn’t estrogen, progesterone or anything you’ve heard before.
But it is at THE heart of your unwanted weight gain.
That’s why I promise you, what I’m about to share with you can truly make the difference.
Best of all, the natural breakthrough I’m going to tell you about in a moment...
Is NOT a diet…
Is NOT a new workout program…
And is NOT a new fat-burning gimmick from an obscure island…
Simply put, this is unlike anything you’ve seen before….
So don’t expect your doctor to tell you about it – OR to see it in Woman’s World any time soon.
But what you can expect is that once you take back control of this “pregnancy hormone”…
You can enjoy the very same “high school” metabolism that kept you slim and slender no matter what you ate, all those years ago…
That means eating the foods you love again…
Pizza? You bet...
Pasta? Oh yes…
And ice cream? Absolutely.
All this and more is possible once you tackle this “pregnancy hormone” head-on.
And start melting away fat faster than you may have imagined possible.
So please just stick around for a minute longer…
And I’ll hand you all the studies that prove what I’m telling you beyond a shadow of a doubt.
But before we jump in, you might be wondering who I am…
And how I discovered the Swedish Skinny Syrup secret to effortless weight loss that thousands of post-pregnancy mothers are already raving about.

Hi! My name is Laura...
I’m 52 years old.
I’ve been married to my husband for 27 years.
Together, we’ve raised 3 kids...
And while being a mom has been the best years of my life…
Certainly, the most rewarding…
My body has changed in ways I never imagined.
See, I gained over 50 lbs. after my first daughter was born…
And before I could lose it, I got pregnant again…
This time gaining an extra 20 lbs.…
By the time my third was born, I weighed over 200 lbs.
Of course, I’d always hoped I’d be one of those women who could bounce back to their pre-pregnancy body within a month or two…

You know, like how Halle Berry dropped 35 pounds and returned to her “pre-pregnancy weight” so quickly…
Or Kate Winslet who was “red carpet ready” just 3 weeks after giving birth...
Or even Kate Middleton, the British Princess, who looked glamorous one month after giving birth to her third child… But nope -- months later…
Heck, years later…
I was still carrying an extra 42 lbs. of what was supposed to be “baby weight”...
Sure, I’d lost a few pounds, here and there, over the years...
But I always thought that if these celebrities could lose ALL the baby weight – then why couldn’t us ordinary girls do it as well?
Maybe it’s genetics, expensive personal trainers or some other Hollywood secret…
Well, it doesn’t matter anymore.
Because by addressing the “pregnancy hormone”
that’s stopping women like us from burning fat
(even DECADES after we last gave birth)... I was
able to end my weight troubles for good...
And so can you!
But let me tell you…
It’s not just the excess fat that vanishes once you address the “pregnancy hormone”...
Feeling robbed of energy and “wiped out” by lunchtime?
Craving food (especially sugar) even after you’ve just eaten?
Endlessly exercising and yo-yo dieting that never seems to move the scale?
In a moment, I’ll show you exactly how you can take control of this “pregnancy hormone” that’s still impacting you to this day...
So you can finally restore your “pre-pregnancy body”...
That means a slimmer and sexier version of YOU -- in record time!
Wouldn’t that be incredible?
Because let’s face it – even though you’d look at the bodies of other girls back then...
...and wonder if your belly was "flat enough"...
...today you'd kill to look the way you did before you started your family!
When you could stay slender without even trying…
You could eat a donut and NOT pay for it…
And when guys would not just notice… but outright desire you!
Honestly, before I discovered the Swedish Skinny Syrup, I used to miss being thin…
I missed being able to just sit at the movies without worrying if I was spilling into the seat next to me…
I missed going to my wardrobe and throwing on a cute outfit that would show my figure off instead of hiding it…
And you know what? I even missed being catcalled every time I walked past a building site.
I missed it all.
In fact, in the years since I’d had my first baby, I’d become so self-conscious over what I looked like…
That I pretended to be out of town when my old high school friend visited for the first time in 7 years!
When I think about it now? Honestly -- I didn’t just feel disgusted by what I saw in the mirror… I also knew it was stopping me from being truly happy.
This was never made more clear to me
than by what happened after everyone saw me
collapse through the chair…

See, my daughter was graduating from medical school…
I was so proud that my girl was finally a doctor. The first in our family!
I’d been given a newer, stronger chair to sit on at the end of the row…
A moment later I saw my daughter politely excuse herself from her own seat…
To come over to me…
I smiled, trying to forget about what happened…
And before I could tell her how proud I was…
She leaned into my ear and said…
“Mom, I think you should leave.”
Leave? I was surprised – did I do something wrong?
But before I could protest, she whispered in my ear again...
“My classmates were
making fun
of your weight.
Please just go.”

I felt like a knife had just pierced through my heart.
Those few words instantly made me aware of my thighs that were pushing out in all directions against my pants…
My rolls of belly fat that were spilling out of the blouse I’d bought for the graduation…
And the loose flesh around my neck that was impossible to hide…
I wanted to say “no, I’m staying” but I had to accept it…
My excess weight had completely RUINED my daughter’s graduation.
When I got home, I cried and cried…
As my emotions hit rock bottom – I turned to comfort food, and tried desperately to drown my sorrows in spoonful after spoonful of ice cream.
Which, as you can imagine, only made it worse.
I lay in bed feeling sick to my stomach…
Sick of being fat... sick of feeling powerless to change it... and sick of how my 42 lbs. of excess weight was stopping me from living my best life.
And when I woke up that next morning – I'd finally reached my breaking point...
I would find a way to drop my excess fat and return to my slim, pre-pregnancy body -- for good.
Truthfully, it wasn’t just about looking great for me.
I wanted to prove to my daughter that she didn’t need to be embarrassed by her mom’s body...
I never wanted her to think “is that what I’ll look like?”
I wanted her to feel proud to stand next to me and introduce me to her friends (and maybe even her future husband).
So, I pulled out my calendar and circled a date…
By this date I was determined to have lost all 42 lbs. of the “baby weight” I’d been carrying for more than twenty years…
I’d have toned up my arms, stomach and booty…
And I would’ve bought myself a whole new wardrobe of sexier clothes.
All thanks to my discovery of the Swedish
Skinny Syrup... That resets the “pregnancy hormone”
that’s causing you to keep your excess fat even
decades after you last
gave birth.

See, after graduation my daughter was set to fly off to Sweden for her first medical residency…
Many new graduates go to Europe to get their “hands on” experience before returning home...
And the date I’d circled on my calendar? That was when my daughter would be back for a late summer vacation...
When I’d show off my beautiful new body!

Of course, you already know what it’s like when you start a new diet...
You stop eating sweets…
You stop making excuses and start hitting the gym…
You even jump on the next diet bandwagon…
Atkins… Keto… low carb… Carnivore…
I even tried one of those HIIT workouts you see on Instagram...
You name it – I did it!
And yes, I lost a couple pounds...
But then my weight loss came to a screeching halt.
No matter how many early morning spin classes at the gym…
Or how many times I skipped breakfast… The scale would simply not budge.
All the while, I’m fighting off the constant cravings. Knowing that just one stressful day at work…
Would lead to me falling victim to my cravings and eating every sugary snack I could find.
Was I going to give up and just accept that I’d never reach my pre-pregnancy weight?
Well… sometimes I wanted to.
But I had to shed all 42 lbs. for my daughter’s sake.
So I kept exercising…
And I kept dieting…
Hoping -- praying -- that something would change and I’d suddenly start losing weight.
Soon something would change…
I would discover the “pregnancy hormone”
that’s literally the only thing between
you and the body you dream of...
And strangely, this discovery was thanks to my daughter.
About a month into her residency, she Facetimed me…
It was mid-afternoon here, so being 5 hours ahead in Sweden, she must have just gotten off work.
My heart started racing…
Sure, we’d texted back and forth…
But this was the first time since her graduation that we’d seen each other's faces…
Which meant she would see that I was still the overweight mom she’d been so embarrassed of just a matter of weeks ago.
I couldn’t have known it at the time - but this call would eventually lead me to the Swedish Skinny Syrup that can let ANYONE…
No matter their age… background… or size…
Shed the excess fat as easily as you’d pull on your shoes.
I answered the call...
“Hi Mom, it’s me...”, she said.
“I know we left things off weirdly, but there’s something important I wanted to tell you…
“You won’t believe this but while working at the hospital over here, I discovered why you’ve been struggling with your weight for so many years…
“...and it’s NOT your fault.”
I was stunned.
I hadn’t told her about everything I’d been trying for the past month…
The diets… the exhausting exercise…
But at this point, I was desperate.
So I asked her to go on…
“You always said it became hard to manage your weight once you had me.”
I nodded…
She was my firstborn and before her, I could eat almost anything I wanted and not gain weight…
But with each pregnancy, it felt like my weight was spiraling out of control.
“Well, that’s where it all started mom,” she said to me…
“And it’s still affecting you right to this very day!”
My mind raced with a million questions...
But before I could say anything – she launched into her next question…

It wasn’t something I really had considered before - but when I thought about it…
Swedish women were known for their slender and healthy figures.
The thing is, Ashley told me that their diet was anything but healthy…
The Swedes are known for traditional dishes like Raggmunk -- a potato pancake fried in butter and served with bacon...
Kladdkaka – a chocolate cake packed with carbs and fats…
Even sugar-laced cinnamon buns…
Simply put: they eat a LOT of unhealthy, fried foods and carbs.
“So what gives?” I asked.
That’s when she told me about a shocking study
from the birthplace of the slimmest women
in the world... Which changes EVERYTHING we
know about the science of weight gain.

See, researchers at the University of Gothenburg – the most prestigious university in Sweden…
And birthplace of 38 Nobel prize winners…
Set out to answer why so many women in Sweden stay slim and beautiful late into their 50’s…
To study this, they began by looking at the women who didn’t…
Over the course of 6 years…
And 4 different clinical studies…
They eventually made the biggest breakthrough in weight loss…

These scientists realized the difference between women who stayed slender and those who didn’t…
Was a “pregnancy hormone” that was up to 200% higher in overweight womenii...
Again, it’s not estrogen…
Or anything else you’re probably thinking of.
This “pregnancy hormone” stopping you from
losing weight even DECADES after you last
gave birth is
called Prolactin.
It’s a hormone produced by the pituitary gland…
An organ the size of a pea located at the base of your brainiv.
Before you have children, your prolactin levels stay mostly levelv.
But once you fall pregnant…
Your prolactin levels shoot through the roof!
This is a good thing while you’re pregnant because it helps you produce breast milk…
But the problem with Prolactin… iii
And the reason you’re still struggling to lose weight decades after you had your last baby…

Lies in what these Swedish researchers discovered.
After taking samples from these overweight women with higher levels of prolactin…
Running the numbers…
And analyzing the data…
Lead researcher, Louise Nilssen, concluded that…
“Raised prolactin levels in a woman… reduces (fat) metabolism.”vi
In plain English, this means…
Prolactin biologically programs your body to
store fat - no matter how much you diet or exercise.

But, as my daughter explained while we Facetimed, it wasn’t just Sweden where this was proven to happen…
The Netherlands -- another country known for its slender women -- showed the same phenomenonvii.
In fact, scientists have seen this all over the world.
This was conclusive: the more prolactin in your body, the harder it is to shed your excess weight.
In a moment, I’ll reveal why this is still affecting you TODAY…
But let me be clear…
Biologically programming your body to store fat isn’t a problem when you’re pregnant.
After all… Raising a baby is hard work…
Sleepless nights… constant caring… and breastfeeding...
Means your body is desperate for energy, 24/7.
That’s why prolactin makes you store fat on your thighs, butt and stomach.
Sure, I never liked that this happened…
But my body just wanted to make sure I had enough energy to care for my baby.
The problem, however, comes years down the line…
Like it did for me…
And has for you…
When your prolactin is still high and stopping you from melting away your excess fat.
Despite trying every diet out there…
Despite trying every kind of exercise…
Despite the fact you had your last child decades ago!
In fact, that’s what I asked my daughter…
“I had my last child - your youngest brother - 18 years ago... why would I still have raised prolactin levels?”

She said she wondered the same thing… But when she looked into it, the reason why didn’t surprise her at all.
Prolactin was just the first half of the story...
The second half of the story…
And the reason for skyrocketing prolactin levels is another hormone…
One you know all too well…
Cortisol -- the stress hormone.
Time and time again, scientists have looked at the connection between stress and prolactin… and the results are always the same…
As The European Journal of Endocrinology found -- and I quote...
Real-life stress… [is] accompanied by increased plasma prolactin levels.viii

The prestigious Obstetrics and Gynecology International Journal discovered...
Stress response… includes the release of prolactin.ix

While the Journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology saw…
Significantly elevated prolactin levels in response to [stress].x

In other words: the more stress you experience, the higher your prolactin levels... The harder it is to lose weight... And the more excess fat you put on.

This made TOTAL sense to me…
After all, no one ever said raising their children was “stress-free” or “relaxing”...
You’re ALWAYS stressed-out worrying about taking care of them…
You know, making sure they’re fed… the homework is done… and that you’re getting them to soccer practice on time.
So it made sense that I didn’t start losing my “baby weight” right away…
But after the first few years things get easier, right?
Which is why I couldn’t help wondering…
“I’m not that stressed right now, am I?”
Well, the better question is really... “Who ISN’T stressed these days?”
The demands of a busy career… mortgages and credit cards to pay… the non-stop barrage of “doomsday news” from your television…
Even the “little” things…
The daily annoyances like your husband not closing the toilet seat… or you having to make dinner but missing the main ingredient… or… stepping on the scale and seeing it remain exactly the same…
These “little” things pump your body full of prolactin-boosting cortisol.
And if that wasn’t bad enough…
Cortisol naturally rises with age!xi
So not only does every daily stress bump up your cortisol (and prolactin)...
But your “baseline” levels -- how much is normally flowing through your body -- gets higher with every month and year that goes by.

Bottom line…
Whether you “feel” stressed or not…
There’s a flood of cortisol working hard to keep your prolactin levels sky high.
But what about the Swedes?
Why are they able to stay so skinny – despite having a diet high in carbs and fats?
My daughter explained that they consistently rank among the least-stressed (and most happy) people in the worldxii…

And it’s easy to see why, just take a look...

Gorgeous, isn’t it?
Their country looks like something out of a fairy tale.
Plus, they work less (on average, a meager 29 hours per week)xiii…
They have more than 4.5x more disposable income than the average Americanxiv…
And -- get this -- many employers mandate multiple coffee and cake breaks throughout the day.

It’s called Fika – and scientists say it helps keep their stress levels lowxv.
Again, lower stress means lower cortisol…
Lower cortisol means lower prolactin…
And lower prolactin means you can burn off your excess fat with ease!
Imagine it!
Your nagging belly fat vanishing... revealing sexy, flattened abs...
Your face and neck fat shrinking away...
Your arms and legs tightening up…
And it’s not just your body fat disappearing…
With stress GONE – you feel more calm, relaxed and at ease…
And we both know that can help us look years younger.
So by this point I had one question for my daughter...
“How do we lower our
stress levels?”
Well it’s not as simple as taking a bubble bath or letting your husband handle all the chores this weekend.
Scientists have looked into this… Lowering your stress is really hard to do in Modern America…
And I wasn’t about to move to Sweden.
Thankfully, a few dedicated scientists weren’t ready to give up.
My daughter explained that these folks had an interesting theory…
There’s plenty of nutrients known for helping with cortisol - but are there any that can reduce cortisol enough to reset prolactin too?
After countless hours of research…
These scientists had discovered TWO nutrients that when grown in the perfect conditions…
And when combined in precise dosages…
Are clinically proven to reduce cortisol, reset Prolactin and unlock your fat-burning furnace!
They’re the foundation of what we now know as the Swedish Skinny Syrup.
Which has already helped thousands of women across the U.S restore their pre-pregnancy bodies.
Let me introduce them to you now…
The first Swedish Skinny Syrup Nutrient
was studied by Oxford University.

After using their cutting-edge equipment…
To confirm that this nutrient: “significantly reduced [...] cortisol” xvi
The researchers looked at what had happened -- if anything -- to the subject’s prolactin levels…xvii
And the results were nothing short of miraculous…
Two groups were given either a placebo or the first Swedish Skinny Syrup nutrient…
The group who received the placebo didn’t see their prolactin levels decline at all..
But the group who received the Swedish Skinny Syrup nutrient? Their prolactin levels plummeted by 450% when compared to the placebo group!!xviii
As the researchers declared…
This Swedish Skinny Syrup nutrient triggered a “significant decrease in plasma [Prolactin]”.
Astonishing, isn’t it?
And that’s just the start.
The second Swedish Skinny Syrup
nutrient is also clinically proven to bring
your cortisol down -- resetting your
prolactin levels -- at record speed...

One study found that it decreased cortisol by 49%xix...
Which is why it’s no surprise that a 2018 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed a huge drop in prolactin as well…
She explained that researchers took 29 women – aged 33 to 69 -- with high levels of prolactin…
After receiving a specific dosage of the second Swedish Skinny Syrup nutrient, their prolactin dropped by up to 73%xx...
Not over days… but within 90 minutes.
It’s remarkable and irrefutable…
The Swedish Skinny Syrup is proven to bring down your prolactin levels for good…
But how much weight can you hope to lose?
Science has the answer here too…

In a major, peer-reviewed journal researchers
found this Swedish Skinny Syrup...
Reduced caloric intake by 17%...xxi
Dropped overall body weight by 14%, and...
Melted away pure body fat by a staggering 44%.
And, if that’s not already enough, it flushed out 68% of fat
circulating in the blood (so it CAN’T be stored in the body)
…all within just 8 short weeks!
In other words…
The Swedish Skinny Syrup will help
you finally lose the “baby weight” you’ve
been burdened with for decades...
...WITHOUT crazy diets
or exercise!
Once we’d finished our Facetime, my daughter sent me the two nutrients in the Swedish Skinny Syrup over text...
Along with strict instructions on how much to take of each nutrient…
And how to prepare them...
I rushed straight to Whole Foods.
But I couldn’t find the nutrients.
When I asked one of the employees about them, she directed me to an organic health shop a couple miles from my home…
I went there. Picked up the raw ingredients. And began to prepare the Swedish Skinny Syrup.
Sure, I was skeptical…
But I wanted to rescue our relationship…
To lose my nagging fat…
And make my daughter proud to call me her “mom”.
So I cut and crushed the nutrients…
Measured out the precise quantities my daughter had given me…
And boiled it down to a thick, gooey syrup.
I then stirred the syrup into a cup of water…
And drank the concoction there and then.
Of course, I wasn’t expecting a Cinderella story -- that I’d have a magical transformation and wake up looking amazing…

But I was so surprised when I awoke the next morning feeling relaxed…
That must mean that the Swedish Skinny Syrup was reducing my cortisol and stress, right?
But the scale hadn’t changed…
And it didn’t the day after either…
I still felt much calmer, but I was starting to doubt if I’d prepared the Swedish Skinny Syrup correctly…
Or maybe my body was just different?
Well, these worries were put to sleep on the third day…
I’d dropped an entire pound overnight!
A week later and I’d lost another 4 lbs.
This continued, week after week…
By the 4th week my concerns vanished – I had lost 16 pounds and my clothes were already feeling much looser.
The Swedish Skinny Syrup was unlike
anything I’d ever tried before. I felt like
I was losing weight just by breathing!

But that’s not even the best part....
The best part is that my daughter had travelled back to the United States for a visit.
She apologized to me and told me how proud she was of my body transformation…
She wanted to celebrate by posting a photo of us on Instagram.
That felt really great.
But what happened NEXT took me by surprise.
Within minutes, her Instagram was blowing up with comments...
Not about her… But about me!
Some of her friends even tagged their own mothers in the comments.
Now I’m not trying to brag or anything...
But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that was the happiest moment of my life.
For the first time, in a long time, I felt
confident and happy in my own body.
The truth was, I looked better than
before I had a baby!
Things only got crazier after that.
See, my daughter’s Instagram picture had caused quite a stir…
Because I soon received a message from Jane -- the mother of my daughter’s best-friend.
Jane had seen my picture on Instagram…
And said I looked amazing...
She confided in me that she’d battled to lose the “baby weight” that had clung to her body for decades…
And she desperately wanted to know my secret.
My secret, of course, was that I had gotten my stress under control – thanks to the Swedish Skinny Syrup.
Which freed my body to melt away my fat…
… WITHOUT crazy exercise, a starvation diet or a fistful of laxatives.
That phone call made me realize that there’s thousands…
No, literally MILLIONS of women like us…
Who had children…
Put on weight…
And could never burn it off!
These women desperately needed the Swedish Skinny Syrup.
I thought about posting the recipe online…
But there was just one problem…
The Swedish Skinny Syrup tasted disgusting!
Sure, I’d lost ALL of my “baby weight”...
but drinking the syrup wasn’t something
I looked forward to everyday.
So I decided that I needed to find a way
to make the Swedish Skinny Syrup
enjoyable... And I did!

See, this had been an incredible journey with my daughter…
Our relationship had not just been reset - but it was now better than ever.
I thought we could team up to make the Swedish Skinny Syrup...
In an easy-to-swallow capsule…
Without a foul taste or strange smell...
And made with the most premium, natural ingredients...
It took long days and nights…
And we worked together over Facetime for more than one weekend…
But finally, we had the new and improved formula ready in capsule form...
That ANYONE can take…
And best of all? That ANYONE can afford!
It’s called the...
Swedish Skinny Complex
And it’s the world’s ONLY solution
designed to address the root cause of your excess weight.

Girl to girl… In just two easy-to-swallow capsules per day...
The Swedish Skinny Complex will bring down the “pregnancy hormone” stopping you from burning off the weight…
It will drop your cortisol levels… Which, in turn, reduces your prolactin levels…
So you not only begin losing weight effortlessly… but keep it off as well!
If you want to be as slim as you were BEFORE you had a baby…
By burning away pound after pound of nagging fat… Eliminating your cravings…
While feeling more calm and relaxed...
Then you’ll love what
Swedish Skinny
can do for you.
By lowering your cortisol levels… you can get your prolactin levels under control…
And allow your body to do what it wants to do: burn fat and make you look gorgeous.
Seriously, nothing I can say will express just how effective the Swedish Skinny Complex is…
In a matter of weeks (even days!) from now, you’ll feel blown away by how it can seemingly melt the excess lbs. away.
Weight loss just becomes easy…
Drop 4 (or more) dress sizes? Easy!
Feel your bathroom towel wrap around your entire body for the first time in years? Easy!
Fit into your wedding dress again? Easy... as… pie!
And to help you enjoy it ASAP, we’ve partnered up with Sunrise Supplements.
Every bottle of Swedish Skinny Complex is produced in their FDA-certified, pharmaceutical-grade manufacturing facility right here in the USA…
Using the highest quality, natural plant-extracts and nutrients…
And shipped directly from their Colorado warehouse.
There’s no harsh chemicals… No fillers… And no weird aftertaste.
Just a tiny, easy-to-swallow capsule.
Bottom line…
It doesn’t matter what you’ve tried in the past.
The Swedish Skinny Complex
WILL work for you.
In fact, within just a week from using this formula you’ll see a big difference.
You’ll notice the first sign of it working for you…
The calm and relaxed feeling you get from the moment you wake up…
And with each day that goes by…
The scale will begin to show a lower and lower number…
As fat literally melts away from your body.
Soon enough, you’ll feel confident -- and proud -- each time you look in the mirror...
And when stunned friends, family and colleagues ask to know your secret...
You’ll smile, knowing how simple and easy the answer truly is...
You simply took two capsules of the Swedish Skinny Complex per day – and watched as pounds of fat melted off your body.
That’s truly how simple it is to join the THOUSANDS of raving women who have returned to their pre-pregnancy body faster than they thought possible…
Like this beautiful girl,
Amy from California...

Or skinny Emily from
Even Kayla, from Colorado,
looks gorgeous!

And you know what?
I can’t wait for you to try it next!
But before you do, there’s one more thing you need to know.
Although my daughter’s Skinny Syrup was a real game-changer for me…
I was worried that a stressful day might throw me into a “fat spiral”...
You know, where you binge eat on ice cream, cookies and start to slowly put on more and more weight again…
I could see it happening - especially as I still had cravings…
I told my daughter this and you know what she said? “No problem!”
Because she revealed to me that she was doing research on another handful of natural ingredients…
That work synergistically inside the
Swedish Skinny Complex to make it the
most complete, weight loss capsule
I’ve ever
come across.
So you not only shed excess weight in record time…
But you keep it off…
You stop the cravings…
And you continue to turn heads when you walk down the street!
Remember, the less stress you have… the lower your prolactin levels are… and the easier it is to burn fat off.
Which is why…
The first bonus blend inside the Swedish Skinny
Complex is dedicated to keeping your stress
levels low -- and your prolactin levels lower.

It’s called the “Low Stress,
Big Weight Loss” blend.
Each of these nutrients are backed by decades of modern science to bring your stress and cortisol down.
The first nutrient is called Ashwagandha.
This ancient herb has been used to treat stress for well over 3,000 years .xxii
So it’s no surprise that in a 180-day “gold standard” study…
Involving 64 people like you and me…
Those who took ashwagandha reported feeling 69% more calm! xxiii
Isn’t that incredible?
Being more calm… means less stress and cortisol getting in the way of your weight loss.
And if you’re wondering if it will work for you, the answer is “YES!”
Another double-blind study confirmed that this ancient stress herb works on 88% of people – within just 6 weeksxxiv.
And that’s just a start!

Next up is a nutrient called Rhodiola Extract.

In a study published in the Complementary Medical Research journal…
Researchers took 100 people who were extremely stressed…
And gave them Rhodiola Extract.
The results were nothing short of astonishing.
Participants reported a significant improvement after just 1 weekxxv…
And the longer they took it, the calmer and more relaxed they felt!
It’s the same story for our third nutrient in this blend… Chamomile Extract.
A study published by the Journal of Advanced Nursing…
Looked at 80 moms complaining of anxiety and poor sleep (two huge cortisol boosters)...
Who, after just two weeks of consuming chamomile…
Improved their sleep quality by 40% and improved their calmness by 37.1%!xxvi
Better still, the effects came on so fast the researcher declared it had an “immediate effect”!
Imagine it!
Never again having to worry whether your stress is shooting your prolactin levels higher… and putting you at risk of gaining weight again.
That’s the reality - thanks to the nutrients I’ve shown you so far today.
But I’m not done with you…
Oh no girl - we’ve got another exciting blend to look at…
The second bonus blend inside the Swedish Skinny
Complex helps you speed up your weight loss.

It’s called the “Fat Loss Accelerator”.
First up is Lemon Balm.
Lemon balm works with the original nutrients inside the Swedish Skinny Syrup to block fat tissue growth, putting the brakes on weight gain.
But it also goes one step further…
To starve off any fat cells you already have, according to the prestigious Journal of Ethnopharmacologyxxvii.
Which means you can reach for a slice of that birthday cake… without guilt…
Because it will be burnt straight off!

The next ingredient is hops.

But not the kind you use to make craft beer!
In fact, a double-blind study published by the Nutrition Journal…
Looking at 200 people…
Confirmed that consuming this kind of hops burned off 3.5 inches of belly fat! xxviii
That’s more than the size of your longest finger!
Impressed yet? You should be!
The third nutrient in this blend is Lutein...
Cambridge University ran a double-blind study which showed girls who took Lutein lost almost 200% more fat than the group who didn’t take itxxix!
Even better, participants experienced a “decrease in carbohydrate consumption”.
That’s important too…
Because you know as well as I do…
To not just lose weight… But to keep the weight off…
You need to get your cravings under control.
Lutein will help you do just that.
And so will the next group of nutrients…
The third blend inside the Swedish Skinny Complex
is going to help you forget about reaching for
snacks between meals.

It’s called the “Cravings Crusher”.

The first ingredient is pantothenic acid.

It may sound scary, but it’s naturally found in meat and vegetables.
What makes it stand out is a clinical study involving 60 women…
Where each woman, on average, lost 2.2 lbs. of fat per week – without any exercisexxx!
It sounds like a miracle! 2.2 lbs. per week is almost 10 lbs. over a month!
The reason why is that pantothenic acid is a powerful “hunger suppressant”...
But instead of just “covering up” your hunger...
This nutrient forces your body to consume its own fat… helping you stay full for longer!xxxi
Amazing isn’t it?
Well, so is the next nutrient, Griffonia Simplicifolia.
In a double-blind study, this natural and safe compound helped participants stop reaching for snacks…
The result? They ate 435 less calories per day!xxxii
Can you imagine how much easier weight loss would be if you could effortlessly eat 435 less calories every day? It’s fat loss on “easy mode”, girl!
And again - all three blends... And the 2 powerful Swedish Skinny Syrup nutrients...
Are found in ONLY one place…
The Swedish Skinny Complex

You won’t find these exact ingredients and
blends -- in these precise quantities --
anywhere else.

That matters…
Because as you’ve seen today…
The real cause of your weight gain…
Is the prolactin that spiked when you first began having children…
And stayed high in the decades since due to the stresses of everyday life...
This keeps you trapped in a never ending cycle of diet, exercise and binge-eating.
But now you get to break free…
To naturally burn away fat as easily as you did in your 20s.
Now you’re probably wondering how you can get your hands on the Swedish Skinny Complex...
It’s super easy to secure your own bottles, but we only have a limited number available today.
(If you’re able to see this page, then you’re still in luck!)
See, the Swedish Skinny Complex uses only the highest-quality, natural nutrients…
Truthfully, we could cut corners like many other companies do…
But that wouldn’t sit right with me.
I know what it’s like to struggle with your weight…
To know that friends, colleagues and strangers must be thinking “she’s let herself go” when they look at you.
I don’t want you to experience this shame and embarrassment any longer.
Instead, I want you to get real results.
But because the nutrients are sourced from around the world, they’re not always readily available to make the Swedish Skinny Complex.
As a result, we have to put a hard limit on the number of bottles that we ship out in any given week.
I wish it wasn’t so...
But we’re forced to reserve these
bottles for those who are most serious about
restoring their pre-pregnancy body.
If you’re still reading this page right now – I know that’s you.
At least I really hope so.
So if you can answer “YES” to the next two questions, honestly and truthfully…
I’ll show you exactly how you get your hands on the Swedish Skinny Complex TODAY.
Let’s start...
Do you promise to use the Swedish Skinny Complex daily?
Within the first few days, you’ll feel calmer and relaxed…
That’s the first sign that the Swedish Skinny Complex is working.
Within a week you’ll start to see results where you weren’t expecting…
The scale will come in lower, sure…
But I’m talking about putting on a tight-fitting pair of jeans and sliding into them with ease…
I’m talking about your belly and butt no longer fighting you when you pull on your favorite skirt…
And I’m talking about your jumpers looking baggy on you.
But this will ONLY happen if you’re consistent.
You need to take the Swedish Skinny Complex every single day.
If you can’t do that, then please allow women who are truly committed to this process to secure the remaining bottles.
If you can commit to taking the Swedish Skinny Complex daily, then let me also ask you…
Are you committed to seeing the results not just this week – but over the long term?
The Swedish Skinny Complex completely transformed my life…
It helped me go from feeling shame and insecurity about my body on a daily basis…
To waking up each morning confident and proud of how I look.
And I’m certain it can do the same for you too.
But as I mentioned just before – consistency is key.
And while a single bottle can make a HUGE difference…
The truth is the longer you take the Swedish Skinny Complex – the better your results will be.
It’s been almost a year since I started taking it every day…
And I can say, without a doubt, my results
are still getting better and better!

I look leaner and more toned than I’ve ever been.
I feel more energetic… more relaxed… and my skin is smooth and radiant.
I constantly catch men half my age checking me out (while I’m happily married, the attention is still appreciated!)
And, from the bottom of my heart, I’m certain you can have the same incredible experience.
This is why I recommend you secure at least a 3-month supply of the Swedish Skinny Complex…
Though ideally, you’ll secure a full 6-month supply today…
Not only because we can’t guarantee to always have bottles in stock…
But because you’re totally committed to changing your life and looking as good as you did in your 20s with the Swedish Skinny Complex.
Make sense?
Now for the good news:
If you answered “YES” to both questions,
then you’ve qualified for a
special discount.
Again – this isn’t about the money for me, truly.
I want you to get the best results for your body.
That’s why we put all ten nutrients I’ve shown you today into the Swedish Skinny Complex. Plus, a few more nutrients that are proven to help you achieve your goals.
But if you were to go out and buy each nutrient -- from the highest quality sources -- you’d probably pay north of $20 for each.
If we do the math – that’s at least $200 you’d pay to make your own version of the Swedish Skinny Complex.
(And, by the way, you’d still need to add them in the precise quantities that we’ve found to produce the best results.)
But you don’t have to do any of this.
Or spend anywhere close to $200 for a single bottle of the Swedish Skinny Complex.
Because thanks to our partner Sunrise Supplements, who I mentioned earlier…
We’re able to make the Swedish Skinny Complex available at a price that covers our costs...
That is also affordable for absolutely anyone!
And in fact, because we encourage you to use the Swedish Skinny Complex over the long term…
The more bottles you order today – the BIGGER the discount you get.
*Special pricing not guaranteed past today!
When you order 6-bottles, you won’t pay
a penny in shipping to anywhere in the U.S.!

With an offer like this – I wouldn’t be surprised if all our available bottles are sold out within the hour…
Now, the LAST thing I want is for you to come back to this page…
And see a red box saying: “Out of Stock”
As it’ll take at least 2 months to get the next batch in stock.
So please do not let this opportunity slip by.
Simply click the button below right now and choose the 6 bottle package or whichever package is right for you.
As soon as you’ve made the selection…
You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page…
Simply fill out the encrypted form with your details…
And we'll begin processing your order.
Your order of the Swedish Skinny Complex will then be shipped – and arrive on your doorstep within 7 business days from now.
Which means, you’re just 7 days away from beginning the most incredible journey of your life…
No more will you feel the shame of checking your reflection in the mirror before you leave your house…
Wondering if your pants give you a muffin top...
Instead you’ll be taken to a place where you relish a stranger’s look in public because you know you look hot!
*Special pricing not guaranteed past today!
We’re going to guarantee your results...
With a 180-day, money back guarantee!
Here’s how it works...
Place your order for the Swedish Skinny Complex... Then when your bottles arrive in a few short days...
Tear open the packaging… Pop a bottle open… And take 2 capsules.
With every day that goes by, you’ll notice a new change…
The first sign that it’s working is that your worries will melt away… Then the stubborn fat hanging onto your belly will begin to shrink… You’ll notice your arms and legs starting to tighten up…
And that’s just the beginning…
After a month, most of your clothes will no longer fit you…
After three months, you’ll be the talk of your office. (Don’t be surprised when they beg you for your secret in the breakroom!)
And after six months, you’ll look and feel like a woman half your age. You’ll be bursting with energy each morning, feeling care-free and, honey… you’ll look like a supermodel!
That’s the way it’s been for the THOUSANDS of women before you who decided to try the Swedish Skinny Complex.
And if for any reason within those 180 days...
You’re not 100% blown away by your results... Or if you change your mind about the Swedish Skinny Complex for any reason whatsoever…
Then we will give you a full refund.
Zero questions asked… you don’t even owe us an explanation.
You either love how amazing you look and feel each day… Or you don't pay a dime.
All you need to do is send the bottle back.
In other words: there’s no downside here at all...
For a full 6 months, you can try the Swedish Skinny Complex without risking a penny.
*Special pricing not guaranteed past today!
So go ahead and choose your selection
And say “YES” to getting back your
pre-pregnancy body.
Now it’s time for you to make a decision.
As I see it, you have two choices in front of you.
You can close this page, and go on with your day.
That’s certainly your choice…
But what will change if you make this decision?
How will you look in months… even a year from now.
How will you feel with each day that nothing changes.
That’s another day of feeling embarrassed every time you look in the mirror…
Another day of choosing the baggy outfit from your closet – not to look cute – but to hide yourself in.
And another day where you could run into an old friend who has managed to lose their baby weight -- reminding you that you’re nothing like the energetic, hot woman you used to be.
I’ve been there before – many, many times.
And I know it sucks.
Or you can decide to take back control of your body…
Seeing the rolls of belly fat vanish with each passing day…
Seeing your arms and legs tone up…
And seeing your friends and family turn green with envy when they see how slim you’ve become.
You know where your heart truly lies.
And you have my word that your order is 100% protected by our money-back guarantee.
So from the bottom of my heart – make the smart choice.
That choice is to choose the 6-month (or 3- or 1-month) order button below this section right now.
You’re about to get started on one of the most exciting, and transformative journeys of your life!
I can’t wait to hear all about it.
*Special pricing not guaranteed past today!
Still here? I’m sure you have some questions for me.
In fact, that’s pretty understandable
So let me go ahead and answer some of the most
frequently asked questions people ask right now...
Yes, the Swedish Skinny Complex is completely safe and has no known side effects. It’s also made in a facility -- right here in the U.S. -- that’s compliant with FDA safety standards… using the highest quality nutrients sourced from around the world. The real proof is in the pudding… as thousands of women around the world use it every single day.
Simply take two capsules a day, ideally with meals.
Although every person’s body is different, most people notice their change within the first week.
As your cortisol levels drop, along with Prolactin… you’ll not only feel more relaxed and at ease…
Your body will start burning off fat again. First your belly will shrink. Then tight fitting clothes will start to feel looser.
By the third month, don’t be surprised when friends, family and colleagues start to take notice (maybe even ask what your secret is!)
And by the sixth month? Well, you’ll likely start to look and feel like a woman half your age!
It’s easy! Just order the 6-bottle option for the greatest savings. Plus free shipping!
Choose the appropriate package below. Once again, the biggest discounts are reserved for the 3- and 6-month bottle options.
You’ll then be taken to a secure order form. Where you can submit your payment details.
Once we have received your order, we’ll get your order of the Swedish Skinny Complex in the post that same day. You can expect to receive it in 7 business-days.
Right, that’s it!
Make the right decision.
Join the thousands of women around the
world using the Swedish Skinny Complex
To shed excess fat and look better at 35...
45... 55... even 65... than they did at 20!
*Special pricing not guaranteed past today!
- Effects of prolactin on metabolism - changes induced by hyperprolactinemia https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/19049
- Prolactin Release Is Enhanced in Proportion to Excess Visceral Fat in Obese Women https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/89/9/4445/2844545
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- Sweden Net Disposable Personal Income https://tradingeconomics.com/sweden/disposable-personal-income
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- A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23439798/
- A double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of the anxiolytic efficacy ff an ethanolic extract of withania somnifera https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21407960/
- Rhodiola rosea in Subjects with Prolonged or Chronic Fatigue Symptoms: Results of an Open-Label Clinical Trial https://www.karger.com/Article/Fulltext/457918
- Effects of an intervention with drinking chamomile tea on sleep quality and depression in sleep disturbed postnatal women: a randomized controlled trial https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26483209/
- The anti-angiogenic herbal extract from Melissa officinalis inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and suppresses adipocyte hypertrophy https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26702505/
- Matured hop extract reduces body fat in healthy overweight humans: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4784395/
- Lutein supplementation combined with a low-calorie diet in middle-aged obese individuals: effects on anthropometric indices, body composition and metabolic parameters https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/abs/lutein-supplementation-combined-with-a-lowcalorie-diet-in-middleaged-obese-individuals-effects-on-anthropometric-indices-body-composition-and-metabolic-parameters/E4DCA1CF3D616E2A0674E8BC5FDD45BE
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